Pulsonix has the largest number of Import Filters of any EDA product in the market today. Listed below are the Import Filters currently available. If you cannot see the product or format you are interested in, please contact us to discuss your requirements, as there may be an Import Filter in development or we may have other ways of transferring your data.

Please also contact us for specific details on product models and versions supported if you are unsure about whether your particular data files are suitable for transfer.

You should also note that as almost all vendors use proprietary binary formats for their data files, most of our Import Filters require ASCII data to be exported from the 'host' system first, as documented in the Online Help within Pulsonix.

Vendor/Product Versions/Formats Supported  
Accel Accel Tango and Accel EDA Designs and Libraries
Altium Altium DXP, Altium Designer Designs
Cadence Allegro Cadence Allegro PCB Designs (Footprint and Parts libraries imported from designs)
PCB Artist Designs and Libraries
Viewlogic Viewdraw DxDesigner Schematics DxDesigner Schematics SCM Designs and Libraries
Eagle Versions 4.09, 4.11, 4.15, 5.0, 6.0 and 6.3 Designs and Libraries
DesignSpark Schematic and PCB designs Designs and Libraries
Mentor Expedition Schematic and PCB designs Designs, Libraries and Projects
OrCAD Capture and Layout OrCAD for Windows SCM and PCB version 9, 10, 11 and 16 Designs and Libraries
P-CAD Master Designer SCM and PCB Designs and Libraries
PADS Schematic and PCB designs Designs and Libraries
Protel Protel SE98, SE99 Designs, Libraries and Projects
Ultiboard Various versions supported Designs and Libraries
Viewlogic SCM SCM designs Designs and Libraries
Zuken Cadstar All Cadstar For Windows versions Designs and Libraries
Zuken Visula PCB PCB import using CADIF PCB Designs, Footprints and Parts
Zuken System Designer & CR5000/8000 PCB import PCB Designs, Footprints and Parts using CADIF